
public struct UniqueUndirectedEdges<Graph: IncidenceGraph>: EdgeFilterProtocol, DefaultInitializable
where Graph.VertexId: Comparable

Removes half of all edges, such that if both (u, v) and (v, u) were in the graph previously, only one will remain afterwards.

When applied to an IncidenceGraph that models an undirected graph (i.e. there are incident edges when queried from both sides), UniqueUndirectedEdges will filter out half.

If UniqueUndirectedEdges is applied to a graph that doesn’t include the edge (u, v) in the VertexEdgeCollection of both u, and v, unspecified behavior will occur.

To keep using your property maps, simply wrap them with EdgeFilterPropertyMapAdapter‘s.

  • Undocumented



    public init()
  • Returns true if edge should be excluded from a filtered representation of graph.



    public func excludeEdge(_ edge: Graph.EdgeId, _ graph: Graph) -> Bool